Customer: Kolarik im Prater
Location: Waldsteingartenstraße, Prater 128a, 1020 Wien
Year: 2021
Category: Brand Design
In the scope of the new design of the interior spaces for the Kolarik’s Luftburg, the entire brand world also underwent a redesign. As in the interior design, the themes of nature and organic quality are at the front line in the graphics too. A transition took place from the formerly flashy, colorful appearance to a quality, timeless reinterpretation. Just like the Praterfee, Urban Lodge and Himmelreich, the Luftburg is a sub-brand of the Kolarik family. The brand image was holistically adapted both in terms of the logo lettering as well as the stylistic elements.
The core of the design are the many free-floating objects that accentuate the respective brand world in an entertaining manner – all combined with cheerful blocks of color and watercolor effects.
The result is a lively and vast world in which the Kolarik family can move freely and creatively.